Wednesday, March 5, 2014


What did you love/learn/find interesting about our Chinatown trip!

This well-written 3+ sentence response should reflect your experience accurately and with some detail.
Of course it is written well.

You may write more, I believe a Malcolm entry was cited  as an example of interesting deep thought.

Please find time to comment on 2 other entries; You can comment on a  group member entry OR someone from another group.  Your comment should MAKE A CONNECTION or offer a different perspective on what they wrote. It should NOT be that's cool or me too!

Let's make sure everyone gets a comment.

Have Fun! shhhh You ARE the best 6th graders in the world.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

3 Gifts that were Plan Bs

What 3 gifts that were Plan Bs?  A Plan B is not a first choice; if it is a gift that means the Plan B worked out well....maybe better than your first choice.

1) "Teaching" When I thought about not working in an office, at first I thought I would go back to school to become a child psychologist. It "didn't work out."  WOW!!!!!! Am I glad!  I cannot imagine doing anything besides being the Room14er teacher.

2)  Visiting Ireland.  A few summers ago, I was supposed to go to Paris, but my friends changed their minds. So I joined another friend who was going to Ireland, where I met the nicest people in the world, heard the happiest music ever, saw castles and drank tea with biscuits!

3) A study trip to San Francisco at the end of the year.  Is a Plan B, but I think we are going to LOVE ending the year on this trip.  We will see........

Monday, February 24, 2014

What did you learn today? Gwitter for Monday!

Please Gwitter on one, or both. of the following topics:  Kites OR life in 2029.

1) What did you learn about kites? Kite-making?
2) Will computers be smarter than people in 2029?  (The Independent)

Explain your thoughts rather than just write ONE sentence.  Hopefully, this can become a mini-online conversation.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Visiting Fresno City College (FCC)

Gwitter at least THREE specific sites, experiences, and/or factoids about our visit to FCC. You may relate the facts to your college plans for the future!  Write in 7+ word bullets, or write a paragraph.

Find at least ONE comment to make on another person (at your table) blog.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2/20 Gwitter

What is something SPECIFIC that you learned today?  Please write in full sentences and use correct spelling.  We are a GATE classroom.  :)

Make a kite!

Make a kite!   Or.         Make a kite

Monday, 2/24, bring it school!! Hope for a windy day.

IF it can be decorated do so....use colors, symbols, and decorations inspired byAncient China or /& Dragonwings

Ok...if you need science extra credit, and it flies, you will get it. BUT please don't let this be your only motivation....little bro and sis can make them too - with parent permission.

We will take them out on our first windy day at school.

Ms U

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hour of Code:Happy New Year!


Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science.

Hour of Code was certainly a good use of class time and brain cells.  Here are some of the skills incorporated in coding: writing algorithms (math!), problem solving, and thinking skills.